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Sample Output

elux2> part2 -rs 230987

Enter the number of Producers --> 3

Enter the number of Consumers --> 2
CThread#1  Item consumed:a
CThread#1  Item consumed:s
CThread#1  Item consumed:d
CThread#1  Item consumed:f
CThread#1  Item consumed:j
CThread#1  Item consumed:k
CThread#1  Item consumed:l
CThread#1  Item consumed:;
CThread#1  Item consumed:

CThread#0  Item consumed:r
CThread#0  Item consumed:e
CThread#0  Item consumed:w
CThread#0  Item consumed:q
CThread#1  Item consumed:u
CThread#0  Item consumed:i
CThread#1  Item consumed:o
CThread#1  Item consumed:p
CThread#0  Item consumed:
No threads ready or runnable, and no pending interrupts.
Assuming the program completed.
Machine halting!

Ticks: total 1881, idle 31, system 1850, user 0
Disk I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Console I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Paging: faults 0
Network I/O: packets received 0, sent 0

Cleaning up...

elux2> part3

Enter the no. of washers required(-1 if no more customers): 2
Station #(1,2)?: 1

Enter the no. of washers required(-1 if no more customers): 1
Station #(1,2)?: 1

Enter the no. of washers required(-1 if no more customers): 2
Station #(1,2)?: 2

Enter the no. of washers required(-1 if no more customers): 2
Station #(1,2)?: 2

Enter the no. of washers required(-1 if no more customers): -1


*** Station# 2 allocating machine# 0 to customer# 3
He needs 1 more machines to finish.

*** Station# 2 allocating machine# 1 to customer# 3
He needs 0 more machines to finish.

*** Station# 2 allocating machine# 2 to customer# 4
He needs 1 more machines to finish.

*** Station# 2 allocating machine# 3 to customer# 4
He needs 0 more machines to finish.

>> Machine#  2 has started to run <<
It will take 590 units to finish

>> Machine#  3 has started to run <<
It will take 575 units to finish

>> Machine#  0 has started to run <<
It will take 84 units to finish

*** Station# 1 allocating machine# 4 to customer# 1
He needs 1 more machines to finish.

*** Station# 1 allocating machine# 5 to customer# 1
He needs 0 more machines to finish.

*** Station# 1 allocating machine# 6 to customer# 2
He needs 0 more machines to finish.

>> Machine#  1 has started to run <<
It will take 781 units to finish

>> Machine#  4 has started to run <<
It will take 474 units to finish

>> Machine#  5 has started to run <<
It will take 899 units to finish

>> Machine#  6 has started to run <<
It will take 952 units to finish

>> Machine#  0 finished cycle and available <<
>> Machine#  4 finished cycle and available <<
>> Machine#  3 finished cycle and available <<
>> Machine#  2 finished cycle and available <<
>> Machine#  1 finished cycle and available <<
>> Machine#  5 finished cycle and available <<
>> Machine#  6 finished cycle and available <<

Cleaning up...


elux2> part4 -rs 34

Enter the no. of Hydrogen atoms: 8

Enter the no. of Oxygen atoms: 4

Hatom  0 created in Hready
Oatom 0 created in Oready
Oatom 1 created in Oready
Oatom 2 created in Oready
Oatom 3 created in Oready
Hatom  6 created in Hready
Hatom  7 created in Hready
Hatom  5 created in Hready

***Water made***

Numbers left: H atoms: 2, O atoms: 3
Numbers used: H atoms: 2, O atoms: 1

Oxygen atom# 0 used in making water

***Water made***

Numbers left: H atoms: 0, O atoms: 2
Numbers used: H atoms: 4, O atoms: 2

Oxygen atom# 1 used in making water
Hydrogen atom# 0 used in making water
Hydrogen atom# 7 used in making water
Hydrogen atom# 5 used in making water
Hydrogen atom# 6 used in making water

Cleaning up...
Tue May 13 12:29:10 EDT 1997