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General Description

This lab investigates the use of caching. We use it for two purposes. First, we use a software-managed translation lookaside buffer (TLB) as a cache for page tables to provide the illusion of fast access to virtual page translation over a large address space. Second, we use memory as a cache for disk, to provide the abstraction of an (almost) unlimited virtual memory size, with performance close to that provided by physical memory. For this lab, you will be working mostly in the vm directory. code/vm contains only a Makefile (the only change is that you need to compile with the "-DVM -DUSE_TLB" flags); your job is to write the code to manage the TLB and to implement virtual memory. As in the last lab, you will test your implementation by running user programs on Nachos.

Page tables were used in lab 4 to simplify memory allocation and to isolate failures from one address space from affecting other programs. For this assignment, the hardware knows nothing about page tables. Instead it only deals with a software-loaded cache of page table entries, called the TLB. On almost all modern processor architectures, a TLB is used to speed address translation. Given a memory address (an instruction to fetch, or data to load or store), the processor first looks in the TLB to determine if the mapping of virtual page to physical page is already known. If so (a TLB ``hit''), the translation can be done quickly. But if the mapping is not in the TLB (a TLB ``miss''), page tables and/or segment tables are used to determine the correct translation. On several architectures, including Nachos, the DEC MIPS and the HP Snakes, a ``TLB miss'' simply causes a trap to the OS kernel (PageFaultException) , which does the translation, loads the mapping into the the TLB and re-starts the program. This allows the OS kernel to choose whatever combination of page table, segment table, inverted page table, etc., it needs to do the translation. On systems without software-managed TLB's, the hardware does the same thing as the software, but in this case, the hardware must specify the exact format for page and segment tables. Thus, software managed TLB's are more flexible, at a cost of being somewhat slower for handling TLB misses. If TLB misses are very infrequent, the performance impact of software managed TLB's can be minimal.

The illusion of unlimited memory is provided by the operating system by using main memory as a cache for the disk. For this assignment, page translation allows us the flexibility to get pages from disk as they are needed. Each entry in the TLB has a valid bit: if the valid bit is set, the virtual page is in memory. If the valid bit is clear or if the virtual page is not found in the TLB, a software page table is needed to tell whether the the page is in memory (with the TLB to be loaded with the translation), or the page must be brought in from disk. In addition, the hardware sets the use bit in the TLB entry whenever a page is referenced and the dirty bit whenever the page is modified.

When a program references a page that is not in the TLB, the hardware generates a TLB exception, trapping to the kernel. The operating system kernel then checks its own page table. If the page is not in memory, it reads the page in from disk, sets the page table entry to point to the new page, and then resumes the execution of the user program. Of course, the kernel must first find space in memory for the incoming page, potentially writing some other page back to disk, if it has been modified.

As with any caching system, performance depends on the policy used to decide which things are kept in memory and which are only stored on disk. On a page fault, the kernel must decide which page to replace; ideally, it will throw out a page that will not be referenced for a long time, keeping pages in memory those that are soon to be referenced. Another consideration is that if the replaced page has been modified, the page must be first saved to disk before the needed page can be brought in; many virtual memory systems (such as UNIX) avoid this extra overhead by writing modified pages to disk in advance, so that any subsequent page faults can be completed more quickly.

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Wed May 14 11:44:32 EDT 1997