All of the materials in this tutorial (listed below) can be accessed and studied independently. If you are taking CMPSCI 377, however, we recommend that you follow the general guidelines we provide here. The topics covered are listed here.
The topic list has been organized to introduce concepts and the Nachos source code in an orderly way. We suggest you go through the overview of Nachos first, and going through the topics left to right, top to bottom. Each topic has links to quizzes, appropriate source code and its corresponding lab, if any. Some topics like file system and networking, are not associated with any lab but are there only to help you understand the source code.
Before you start on any topic, go through the review materials. It is very important that you be familiar with basic UNIX commands and make in order to do the labs. The labs are intensive and even though C++ and other skills can be picked up along the way, it is easier later on in the course if you master them before you start on the labs.
Last modified on Thursday, 29-May-97 17:35:42 EDT